Technology Award

For pioneering contributions to generative image synthesis

We are fascinated when a machine succeeds in creating something new. But can a computer really be creative? With recent advances in the field of generative artificial intelligence (AI), the vision of using machines as partners in creative processes is within reach. Generative AI processes make it possible to generate texts, images, audio, videos and […]

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Cultural Award

For his commitment as a communicator and ambassador of science. In his public appearances – including as part of the ‘Highlights of Physics’ programme – he regularly inspires his audience and achieves a broad social impact and media attention.

The physicist Metin Tolan has made an impressive career as a science communicator alongside his main profession as a researcher and university lecturer. There are not many scientists who perform together with a symphony orchestra in front of a large audience. The musicians play well-known James Bond film scores and Tolan explains whether a spectacular […]

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Youth Award

Eduard Rhein Youth Prize for Radio, Television and Information Technology: School app Spina

Some time ago, all schools in Saarland were equipped with tablet computers. This gave Johann Haslinger the idea of programming an app to help organise everyday school life and support lessons as a central learning platform. The result is called ‘Spina’. The app presents the essential teaching materials in a clearly organised way, lists homework […]

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Konrad Zuse Youth Prize for Computer Science from the Eduard Rhein Foundation: Simulated quantum computer

Quantum computers are considered to be the miracle machines of the future. They are expected to perform route calculations, material simulations and database searches much faster than before. However, the current prototypes are not yet powerful enough and the hardware is lacking. This is why quantum software is often developed on ordinary computers. The conventional […]

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Technology Award

For the conception of the first key agreement protocol whose security is derived from the validity of quantum physics

Writing is a very powerful means for the distribution of information to many people and over large distances, and for preserving the knowledge over time. Creating a network of potential readers was a primary challenge at the beginning. As literacy increased, the need to limit the access to information to selected readers developed. Julius Cesar […]

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Cultural Award

For achievements in academic research and teaching, her commitment to communicating policy and science, and her outstanding role in communicating science to the general public

Antje Boetius is a marine biologist and professor of geomicrobiology at the University of Bremen. Since November 2017, she has headed the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven and leads the research group “Microbial Habitats” at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, where the first “meta-eaters” were discovered. She has worked as a leader of […]

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Youth Award

Konrad-Zuse-Youth Prize for Computer Science of the Eduard Rhein Foundation: Electronical Nose

The human nose is a marvel of nature. Experts estimate that it can distinguish between billions and billions of scents. However, it is not able to smell all odors and gases. This is where Jakob Zöphel’s research project came in. He developed a kind of electronic nose by interconnecting 17 different gas sensors and integrating […]

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Eduard Rhein Youth Award for Radio, Television and Information Technology: Software analyses walking movement

Some clinics and medical supply stores have a so-called gait lab. Here, patients walk on a special mat while sensors and cameras record their individual walking movements. Afterwards, software analyzes the gait and provides information on suitable shoe inserts, for example. However, such gait labs are expensive, which is why Matthias Fuchs decided to develop […]

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Technology Award

For the invention of metal oxide thin film transistors for display applications

Active-Matrix flat panel displays use thin film transistors for selection and driving of the electro-optical media such as liquid crystals or organic light emitting diodes placed in the various pixels. For direct view displays, this requires the deposition and structuring of the metals, dielectrics and semiconductors used in the thin film transistor on up to […]

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Cultural Award

For his excellent achievements in combining scientific research, popularization of science, and social engagement

Harald Lesch (* July 28, 1960 in Giessen) is professor of astrophysics at the observatory of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and lecturer in natural philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy. In his research and teaching, he combines in a special way the results of modern astrophysics and cosmology with the epistemological foundations of the […]

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Youth Award


For some time now, Elian Terelle and a friend have been organizing live broadcasts of a Bundesliga volleyball team’s matches on the Internet. What was missing until now were replays of exciting game scenes, also in slow motion if desired. Systems are available for purchase that can do this, but they are quite expensive. So […]

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The corona pandemic has been going on for more than two years. To combat it, policymakers resorted to a variety of measures – from contact restrictions to school closures to vaccination campaigns. But what have these measures achieved in detail? To answer this question, Noel Friedrich developed a comprehensive computer simulation in which he simulated […]

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Technology Award

For the development of MRI diffusion tensor imaging, which is used for surgery and radiation planning, research into neurological diseases associated with white matter changes, and reconstruction of neural pathways in the brain (tractography)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique for generating cross-sectional images of the human body based on the measurement of the magnetization of certain atomic nuclei (usually hydrogen nuclei) by means of excitation by radiofrequency pulses within a strong magnetic field. The method thus does not require X-rays. While magnetic resonance spectroscopy had been […]

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Cultural Award

For his great services in founding and managing the Science Media Center Germany (SMC)

Volker Stollorz is one of the most experienced and recognized medical journalists in Germany. It is largely thanks to his commitment that an initiative of the Science Press Conference (WPK), the establishment of the Science Media Center Germany (SMC), could actually be implemented in 2015. The establishment and management of the SMC was in the […]

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Youth Award


Every day, thousands of weather balloons rise to an altitude of 30 to 40 kilometers around the world. On board, they carry small probes that record temperature, humidity and air pressure and continuously radio the measured data to the weather services on Earth. In his research project, Amon Schumann developed two approaches to optimize traditional […]

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KONRAD ZUSE YOUTH AWARD 2021 FOR INFORMATICS: Development of a low-cost, self-balancing and autonomous agricultural robot

Robots are becoming increasingly common in everyday life, for example as vacuum cleaners or lawn mowing robots. In his research project, Simon Sure set himself the goal of supporting agriculture and designing a robot for the field. To do this, he used the drive system of a used hoverboard, a two-wheeled vehicle that can balance […]

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Technology Award


A physical signature on a contract gives a modest yet legally binding guarantee that the signee approved the agreement. Such signatures have long played an important role in society but they have several disadvantages: they are easy to forge, they do not assure that the document was not altered after signing and they are cumbersome […]

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Cultural Award


Dr. med. Eckart von Hirschhausen has invented new forms of science communication – with major success. He conveys sciencebased knowledge with humour. His cabaret programmes, non-fiction books and TV shows are prooving that a combination of scientific substance and entertainment can reach millions of people. For pioneering this new type of science journalism von Hirschhausen […]

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Youth Award

No awardee

No youth awards were given in 2020.

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Technology Award

For the invention of the deep reactive ion etching process (Bosch Process), a key process for manufacturing semiconductor sensors

Sensors are the sensory organs of our machines and technical systems. They can be found everywhere today, in cars, in mobile phones, and in many parts of our daily lives. Against the backdrop of the megatrends IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence), the importance of sensors will reach a new dimension. Without these […]

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Cultural Award

For his outstanding scientific achievements and his exceptional expertise in communicating scientific findings to the broader public as well as into the policy arena

Robert Schlögl is not only an outstanding scientist with a worldwide reputation far beyond the borders of his respective discipline; he is also an excellent communicator of scientific themes – Schlögl is, so to speak, a true “ambassador of science”. More than anyone else, Robert Schlögl possesses the ability to elucidate complex scientific-technical interrelationships and […]

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Technology Award

For Pioneering work on Flash OFDM as a Forerunner of Fourth-Generation Mobile Communications (4G)

It does not take a keen observer to recognize that we are addicted to mobile phones. At home, in public squares, at bus stops, in subways, on trains and planes, on bikes and in cars, in short everywhere, both young and old type and swipe to communicate. This universal social activity was made possible by […]

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Cultural Award

For his life’s work as a scientific journalist

As a science journalist, Jean Pütz has produced more than 3,000 TV shows, contributing in an extraordinary way to making science and technology popular. An audience of millions came to know him in particular through the German television show “Hobbythek” as well as through “Wissenschaftsshow” and further television formats. In “Hobbythek,” Pütz drew parallels between […]

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Youth Award

EDUARD-RHEIN-JUGENDPREISES 2018 für Rundfunk-, Fernseh- und Informationstechnik Don’t Spy – sichere Kommunikation in Ihrem Team, Lauscher müssen draußen bleiben

Wer bei der Arbeit via Laptop, Smartphone oder Tablet im Team kommuniziert, der möchte verhindern, dass ein fremder Lauscher mithört und so möglicherweise an Firmengeheimnisse kommt. Um ein abhörsicheres Chatten zu gewährleisten, haben Lukas Ruf und Mai Saito eine spezielle App namens „Don’t Spy“ entwickelt. Sie basiert auf mehreren raffinierten Verschlüsselungsverfahren. Unter anderem werden sämtliche […]

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KONRAD-ZUSE-JUGENDPREISES 2018 für Informatik der EDUARD-RHEIN-STIFTUNG: DOSUAS – die Symphonie des Sehens, Akustischer Wegweiser

Wie kann man sehbehinderten Menschen helfen, sich in einem Raum zu orientieren? Diese Frage stellten sich Yorick Zeschke und Jonas Wanke und fanden eine originelle Lösung: Die beiden entwickelten ein Gerät namens DOSUAS, bei dem akustische Signale als Wegweiser fungieren. Zunächst nimmt eine 3-D-Kamera, die auf einer Spezialbrille montiert ist, Bilder des betreffenden Raumes auf. […]

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Technology Award

For pioneering contributions to autonomic driving

For centuries humans used animals for traveling over long distances. These ensured collision-free journeys. The invention of the automobile in the late 19th century allowed for higher speed, but also required that human drivers took active control to keep their vehicle on the road and to avoid collision with others. The conception that automobiles would […]

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Youth Award

Konrad-Zuse-Jugendpreis für Informatik der Eduard-Rhein-Stiftung: Automatic Music Transcription using Artificial Neural Networks

Wer schon einmal Musik komponiert hat, kennt das Problem : Man hat etwas Interessantes improvisiert und auf einen Tonträger aufgenommen. Nun sollen diese Takte zu einer Komposition weiterentwickelt werden. Dabei ist es hilfreich, die Improvisation als Noten vor sich zu haben. Höchst praktisch wäre daher eine Software, die die Musik automatisch in Noten umschreibt. Ein […]

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Eduard-Rhein-Jugendpreis für Rundfunk-, Fernseh- und Informationstechnik: Akustische Tarnkappe

Metamaterialien sind künstlich erzeugte Werkstoffe mit optischen, elektrischen oder magnetischen Eigenschaften, die in der Natur so nicht vorkommen. Man nutzt sie zur Herstellung sogenannter Tarnkappen, die Objekte scheinbar unsichtbar werden lassen, indem die elektromagnetischen Wellen um sie herumgelenkt werden. Patricia Asemann und Konstantin Schnekenburger konstruierten ein akustisches Pendant zu Metamateralien. Mit einem 3-D-Drucker stellten sie […]

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Technology Award

cochlear implant: Research, development and commercialization

Univ. Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Dr. med. h.c. Ingeborg J. Hochmair-Desoyer and em. o. Univ. Prof. Dipl-.Ing. Dr. techn. Dr. med. h.c Erwin Hochmair
For the development and commercialization of the world’s first multi-channel microelectronic cochlear implant.

Prof. Blake S. Wilson, Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Eng., Dr. med. h.c. (mult.)
For research and development of an auditory coding strategy for cochlear Implants named “Continuous Interleaved Sampling” (CIS) in the late 1980’s, which has dramatically improved speech recognition without visual cues in these patients.

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Youth Award

Das Internet der Dinge

Wie praktisch wäre es, alltäglich genutzte Geräte wie Heizungen, Kühlschränke oder Alarmanlagen über das Internet zu verbinden, um ihre Funktion aus der Ferne per Tablet oder Smartphone steuern zu können?

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Wer Daten übertragen, Radio hören oder funken will, kann dazu ein sogenanntes Software Defined Radio (SDR) nutzen. Die Signalverarbeitung dieser Hochfrequenzsender und -empfänger, geschieht mittels Software. Vorteile sind eine reduzierte Geräteinfrastruktur und eine gute Anpassung an wechselnde Übertragungsstandards. Lukas Lao Beyer hat ein Kosten günstiges SDR entwickelt.

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Technology Award

Development of the mp3 audio coding technique

für entscheidende Beiträge zur Entwicklung und praktischen Implementierung des mp3-Audio- codierungsverfahrens.

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Youth Award

Lichtstrahlen auf der Spur

Erweiterung eines Lernalgorithmus der Lichtsimulation auf volumetrische Streuungseffekte Wie breitet sich ein Lichtstrahl in einer bestimmten Umgebung aus und wie wird er von Gegen- ständen reflektiert? Das sind zentrale Fragen, will man per Computer Grafiken erzeugen, die so realistisch wie richtige Fotos wirken. Eine besondere Herausforderung ist dabei die Lichtstreuung, die zum Beispiel auftritt, wenn […]

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Benutzerdefinierte Computeralgebra mit Java und Scala

Das ”Ableiten” gehört zu den bekanntesten Operationen in der Mathematik: Wer wissen möchte, wie stark eine bestimmte Kurve ansteigt, muss die Ableitung ihrer Funktion bilden. Frithjof Winkelmann hat diese Aufgabe in seinem Projekt auf den Computer übertragen. Er schrieb eine Software-Bibliothek, mit deren Hilfe sich mathematische Terme automatisch ableiten lassen. Außerdem ist das Programm in […]

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Technology Award

Channel Codes for Digital Optical Recording

For contributions to the theory and practice of channel codes that enable efficient and reliable optical recording, and creative contributions to digital recording technology.

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Cultural Award

Merging facts and fiction in order to give the history of science a human face

For using her profound scientific knowledge and literary talent to combine facts with fiction by merging scientific adventure and human stories in order to give the history of science a human face.

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Youth Award

Digitale Discokugel

Beschleunigung der Lichtsimulation in Animationen durch Nutzung der zeitlichen Gemeinsamkeiten

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Stets auf dem Laufenden

MonEzine – der intelligente RSS-Reader

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Technology Award

Invention of highly efficient organic semiconductor devices

For inventing the first highly efficient organic light emitting diode and further contributions to the development of organic semiconductor devices.

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Cultural Award

The Jugend forscht Contest is a Unique Way of Assisting Talented People

Jugend forscht is receiving the Cultural Award of the Eduard Rhein Foundation in recognition of the unique and special role of the contest in helping young people to develop their careers. For almost five decades Jugend forscht has encouraged children and young people to be excited about mathematics, IT, science and technology. The contest opens up a vista of the future and for many of the participants it is a stepping stone to a successful career.

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Technology Award

The Development of the Global Positioning System (GPS)

For the development of GPS, which is the first global system that provides instantaneous time, and three dimensional positions; for its judicious design, which enabled a previously unconceivable accuracy, and triggered an unimaginably wide spectrum of applications; for its careful engineering, which made GPS economically viable from its earliest days – the long lifetime of the satellites was decisive in this respect; for setting the standard, that became the model for other systems.

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Cultural Award

How a Flat Computer Battery Led to Millions of Bytes on a Key Chain

In recognition of the idea and invention of a small standardized and portable data memory stick, today known as USB-Stick or USB Flash Drive.

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Technology Award

Invention of the radio clock

For inventing digitally coded reference clock signals continuously transmitted over radio and for contributions on realizing radio clock receivers.

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Cultural Award

Invention of the today so-called e-mail

For the invention of standardized electronic mail – now known as e-mail – which made possible today’s easy exchange of information via the Internet and thus significantly changed the way people communicate with one another.

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Technology Award

Contributions to video coding and to the development of the H.264/AVC standard

For outstanding and internationally recognized contributions to video coding and the development of the standard H.264/AVC, in particular for developing novel approaches to motion compensation using multiple reference pictures, hypotheses and picture hierarchies, for contributions to 3D video coding, for scalable and multi-view video coding, for video coder control, that helped to lay the ground for many new application areas of video coding.

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Cultural Award

Free and international Encyclopedia WIKIPEDIA

In recignition of the idea and establishment of the free and international encyclopedia WIKIPEDIA.

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Technology Award

Electro-optical core technologies for flat panel displays

For outstanding and internationally acknowledged achievements in the area of novel electro-optical operational principles for flat panel display applications, as well as the respective materials and device concepts; most notably, for co-inventing the twisted nematic liquid crystal effect – the crucial core technology for the success of LCDs – as well as other liquid crystal modes and linearly polymerized photo polymers.

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Cultural Award

Outstanding yet comprehensible reports on an impressive variety of topics in the natural sciences

Is being awarded the Cultural Award as a representive of the editorial team of the monthly science magazine NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE RUNDSCHAU. Since its foundation by Hans Rotta and Hans Walter Frickinger in 1948, this magazine has been covering advances in the natural sciences in a generally comprehensible manner, though at the highest possible editorial standards.

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Technology Award

Invention, international standardisation and propagation of the ”Controller Area Network” (CAN), which today dominates the world market

For the invention, international standardisation and propagation of the ”Controller Area Network” (CAN) – an open, reliable real-time communication system for embedded devices in automotive, medical and automation applications as well as in consumer goods, which today dominates the world market.

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Cultural Award

Brilliantly written science and technology related articles in newspapers

For brilliantly written science and technology related articles published in the newspaper DIE WELT. Over a sustained period of time his outstanding contributions are received by the readers as splendidly written, comprehensive in scope yet to read sources of information.

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Technology Award

Outstanding contributions to the design of electroacoustic transducers and, most notably, the co-inventorship of the foil electret microphone and of the silicon condenser microphone

For outstanding and internationally acknowledged achievements in numerous areas of technical acoustics, ranging from polymer and silicon materials sciences to a number of groundbreaking new developments of electroacoustic sensor/actor devices; most notably, amongst these new devices co-invented by the award winner are the polymer-electret microphone – the single most successful type of microphone throughout the world – and the silicon condenser microphone.

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Cultural Award

Publication of scientific and technical works of young scientists in the magazine JUNGE WISSENSCHAFT (YOUNG SCIENCE)

in his capacity as the Founding Editor of the peer-reviewed journal JUNGE WISSENSCHAFT (Young Science), also representing the editorial team of that journal.
As a periodical publication, JUNGE WISSENSCHAFT has successfully endeavored, for more than two decades, to communicate to the public the original scientific and technical work of young authors.

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Basic Research Award

OFDM A vision that became reality

For pioneering applications of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) techniques, to data transmission by orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), leading to numerous new developments in areas such as Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Digital Subscriber Line (x-DSL) transmission, and Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).

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Technology Award

Development, Standardization, and Technical Implementation of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Technology

For outstanding contributions to and achievements in the development, standardization, and the technical implementation of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) technology in Europe as well as other regions of the world.

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Cultural Award

Popular science contributions of the APOTHEKEN UMSCHAU

in his capacity as founder and managing partner of the APOTHEKEN UMSCHAU, representing that journal s editorial team.
The popular biweekly magazine APOTHEKEN UMSCHAU has been in existence for more than five decades now. It can be regarded as a light popular magazine which, in an easyto read manner, transfers medical and pharmeceuticals facts to the home of the average citizen. These news and facts are being communicated by means of outstanding texts and illustrations.

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Technology Award

Key contributions to the data recording technology of modern hard disk drives

For their pioneering roles in the introduction of innovative digital signal processing and coding techniques into hard disk drives, based on partial response signaling, maximum likelihood sequence and noise-predictive detection. These advances in the recording channel were instrumental to the unique increase of the storage density and data rates of hard disk drives during the past decades.

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Cultural Award

Sustained excellence in reporting about modern developments in natural and medical sciences and technology

in his capacity as Science Editor-in-Chief of the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT, representing that newspaper s science editorial team.
The science magazine ZEIT · WISSEN (appearing as supplementary issues in DIE ZEIT) distinguishes itself by outstanding reports on new developments in natural and medical sciences, technology, and related areas of general interest. In particular, the photographic material, imagery, and figures included are of premier quality and deserve extra mention. Sciences frequently provide new impetus to economical and socio-political developments. Over a sustained period of time, ZEIT · WISSEN has stimulated these processes through a well-balanced blend of relevant and original background information, explanatory texts, and extraordinary clarity of presentation.

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Technology Award

Fundamental contributions to room- and psychoacoustics, and the invention of linear predictive coding and codebook exited coding of speech

We honor Manfred R. Schroeder for his scientific work in the areas of room acoustics, psychoacoustics, speech coding and computer graphics, and for the invention of the linear prediction coding of speech, the most important basis of speech coding and speech analysis.

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Cultural Award

Evolutionary Epistemology – Philisophy in the age of science and technology

We honor Gerhard Vollmer for his brilliant and creative essays on Evolutionary Epistemology and for his continued efforts as a mediator between the “two cultures”, natural sciences and humanities.

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Basic Research Award

Fundamental contributions to Traffic Theory and pioneering work in the definition of protocols for packet-switched telecommunications networks

for fundamental contributions to Traffic Theory and Performance Analysis, and his pioneering work in the definition of protocols for packet-switched telecommunications networks that support real-time applications.

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Technology Award

Invention of magnetic resonance imaging

for the invention of magnetic resonance imaging as a noninvasive method for crosssectional imaging at high spatial resolution and with endogenous tissue contrast. Apart from becoming an important tool in biomedical research, magnetic resonance imaging developed into the key modality for diagnostic imaging in medicine.

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Cultural Award

German Book: (Title translated into English) “The other Culture – what you should know from the Natural Sciences”

We appreciate indeed Professor Ernst Peter Fischer’s literary work as a whole but the present prize is mainly for his recent book: “The other Culture ­ what you should know from the Natural Sciences”. With this volume Professor Fischer has strongly and positively influenced the ongoing debate in Germany about the appropriate strategies in higher education.

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Basic Research Award

Fundamental contributions to Information Theory and computer networks

for his basic work and fundamental contributions to information theory, coding theory, to mobile communications and to the theory of communication networks.

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Technology Award

Development of PASCAL, the first structured programming language

for the development of PASCAL, a systematic and structured computer language, and an appertaining platform-independent portable compiler that contributed to PASCAL’s rapid international acceptance.

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Cultural Award

Decades of achievement in presenting technical information for children on television

for his decades of achievement in presenting technical information for children on television.

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Basic Research Award

Invention of the erbium-doped fibre amplifier (EDFA)

for the invention of the erbium-doped fibre amplifier (EDFA) which enabled the revolution of the global telecommunication networks during the last decade.

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Technology Award

Fundamentals of Graphic Data Processing

for the conception, development, and successfulimplementation of open graphics standards applied to multimedia and virtual reality designs.

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Cultural Award

Informative newspaper reports on technological developments

for his clear and very informative newspaper reports on technological developments around the world.

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Basic Research Award

WAVELETS – The Basis of digital image coding

for the invention, the mathematical development and the application of wavelets, which have found widespread applications as orthogonal functions in signal processing, radar, and image processing, especially for the new image compression standard JPEG 2000.

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Technology Award

ALOHANET – The first radio network for wireless Internet access

for the invention of fhe random access protocol ALOHA and the first realization worldwide of a radio-network for both local and satellite based Internet access of uncoordinated data terminals and for the invention and realization of spread-spectrum ALOHA to reach a higher performance, recognizing the imminent importance of ALOHA worldwide for all mobile and wireless radio networks.

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Cultural Award

Popular science programs in German Television

for his popular science programs in German television and his activities as presenter at scientific meetings.

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Basic Research Award

for the first theoretically exact formulation of the sampling theorem.

for the first theoretically exact formulation of the sampling theorem.

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Technology Award

for conceiving and gaining acceptance for the MPEG standards to jointly encode moving pictures and associated audio signals, especially the digital TV standard MPEG-2, acknowledged worldwide.

for conceiving and gaining acceptance for the MPEG standards to jointly encode moving pictures and associated audio signals, especially the digital TV standard MPEG-2, acknowledged worldwide.

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for his invention of motion compensation in the framework of coding concepts for moving pictures and for his fundamental contributions to hybrid coding enhanced by estimation.

for his invention of motion compensation in the framework of coding concepts for moving pictures and for his fundamental contributions to hybrid coding enhanced by estimation.

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Cultural Award

for his broad spectrum of outstanding academic and journalistic publications.

for his broad spectrum of outstanding academic and journalistic publications.

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Basic Research Award

for his pioneering contributions to the field of information and coding theory, particularly for the unique information theory for individual sequences which led to the universal lossles Lempel-Ziv datacompression algorithm .

for his pioneering contributions to the field of information and coding theory,
particularly for the unique information theory for individual sequences
which led to the universal lossles Lempel-Ziv datacompression algorithm .

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Technology Award

for the creation and development of what is known today as the “World Wide Web”

for the creation and development of what is known today as the “World Wide Web”

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Basic Research Award

Semiconductor laser and integrated optics for application in communication sytems

for his pioneering work on semiconductor lasers and integrated optics for application in optical communication systems.

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Technology Award

Development of the digital cellular telephone system (GSM)

Thomas Haug
for his outstanding engagement in achieving an agreement upon and standardization of the GSM system within the CEPT/ETSI.

Heikki Huttunen
for fundamental innnovations and advanced deseign work, in particalr for contributions related to GSM handheld cellular telephones.

Dr. Dr.h.c. Jan Uddenfeldt
for fundamental innovations and design work, in paticular for contributions related to the GSM infrastructure.

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Cultural Award

Long-standing editorship of the scientific periodical Nature

as the former editor of the influential scientific periodical Nature for his longstanding commitment to furthering and disseminating scientific knowledge.

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Basic Research Award

Fundamental research in error corecting coding (Hamming Distance/Hamming Codes)

for his early work and investions leading up to the development of the modern chip card, in particular for the invention of the microprocessor card.

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Technology Award

Invention and development of chip card technologies

Jürgen Dethloff
for his early work and investions leading up to the development of the modern chip card, in particular for the invention of the microprocessor card.

Roland Moreno
for his important investions and developments facilitating widespread use of the chip card, in particular for the technologies employed in data management, verification of personal identification numbers, and data acces control.

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Special Award

Conventions of Nobel Prize winners in Lindau

In 1986 Countess Sonja Bernadotte succeeded her husband as president of the Board of Curators and in the management of the conventions of Nobel Prize winners. After surmounting the original reserve of the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, her intense personal commitment has secured close and rewarding cooperation between Stockholm and Lindau

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Basic Research Award

Development of the first freely programmable binary computers using floating-point operations

Development of the first freely programmable binary computers using floating-point operations

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Technology Award

Digitale Micromirror Device

Digitale Micromirror Device

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Cultural Award

Long-standing engagement for academic freedom

Long-standing engagement for academic freedom

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Basic Research Award

Basic concept of trelliscoded modulation

Basic concept of trelliscoded modulation

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Concept of decoding convolutional codes (“Viterbi Algorithm”)

Concept of decoding convolutional codes (“Viterbi Algorithm”)

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Technology Award

Invention of the microcomputer

Invention of the microcomputer

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Basic Research Award

Fundamental research in digital signal processing

Fundamental research in digital signal processing

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Technology Award

LC-TV projector with ultra high resolution for HDTV

LC-TV projector with ultra high resolution for HDTV

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Cultural Award

Outstanding journalistic TV features

Outstanding journalistic TV features

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Technology Award

Analog/digital image processing network

Analog/digital image processing network

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Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) system

Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) system

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Basic Research Award

Fundamental research on information theory

Fundamental research on information theory

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Technology Award

Basic developments in optical frequency multiplexing with heterodyne reception

Read more in this press release (German).

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Cultural Award

Outstanding journalism of exemplary character

Outstanding journalism of exemplary character

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Basic Research Award

Fundamental engineering research on optical communications

Fundamental engineering research on optical communications

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Technology Award

14″ liquid crystal flat color display

14″ liquid crystal flat color display

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Technology Award

Euro S-VHS video system

Euro S-VHS video system

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“Featurebox” chipset for TV sets

“Featurebox” chipset for TV sets

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Cultural Award

“Da ist kein Schall von Siegesrufen”

“Da ist kein Schall von Siegesrufen”

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“Chronik einer Wiedergeburt”

“Chronik einer Wiedergeburt”

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“… und abends ins Gefängnis”

“… und abends ins Gefängnis”

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Special Award

TV quizmaster and entertainer

TV quizmaster and entertainer

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Technology Award

Basic development of TFT liquid crystal display

Basic development of TFT liquid crystal display

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High resolution color crystal display

High resolution color crystal display

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Improved plasma display

Improved plasma display

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International Honorary Award

Cultural Award

“Stille Tage in Sommieres”

“Stille Tage in Sommieres”

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“giftig, ätzend, explosiv”

“giftig, ätzend, explosiv”

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“Eine Queen wird geliftet”

“Eine Queen wird geliftet”

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Special Award

for his work in the development of radio and TV in Germany after 1945

for his work in the development of radio and TV in Germany after 1945

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Technology Award

Flat and square picture tube

Flat and square picture tube

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Quantel Box, specials effects processing of TV pictures

Quantel Box, specials effects processing of TV pictures

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TV converter with CCD memory

TV converter with CCD memory

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Color video printer

Color video printer

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Book: “D2-MAC Satellite Technology”

Book: “D2-MAC Satellite Technology”

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Cultural Award

“Warum habe ich meine Tochter getötet?”

“Warum habe ich meine Tochter getötet?”

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“Wo Taxifahrer Tolstoi lesen”

“Wo Taxifahrer Tolstoi lesen”

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“Zacharias – ein Lebensbild”

“Zacharias – ein Lebensbild”

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Special Award

TV news moderation

TV news moderation

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Technology Award

Coding method for audio signals

Coding method for audio signals

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Enhanced pixel resolution for TV color cameras

Enhanced pixel resolution for TV color cameras

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Video telephone

Video telephone

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Digital sound broadcasting via satellite

Digital sound broadcasting via satellite

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DAT Multi track PCM cassette recording

DAT Multi track PCM cassette recording

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DIGICONTROL system for TV sets

DIGICONTROL system for TV sets

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Cultural Award

“Stan Rivkin”

“Stan Rivkin”

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“Leiden der Besiegten”

“Leiden der Besiegten”

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“Fahrplan ins Chaos”

“Fahrplan ins Chaos”

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“Hiroshima – Nagasaki”

“Hiroshima – Nagasaki”

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“Nacht der Indios”

“Nacht der Indios”

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Technology Award

Time sequential luminance/crominance coding

Time sequential luminance/crominance coding

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MAC system for satellite TV

MAC system for satellite TV

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Flicker-free color TV

Flicker-free color TV

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Portable TV set with flat LC display

Portable TV set with flat LC display

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Video Program System (VPS)

Video Program System (VPS)

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Publication on enhanced TV systems

Publication on enhanced TV systems

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Cultural Award

“Der Prozeß”

“Der Prozeß”

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“Polizeiagenten – Lockspitzel im Zwielicht”

“Polizeiagenten – Lockspitzel im Zwielicht”

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“Helwein” – Filmportrait of a Painter

“Helwein” – Filmportrait of a Painter

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“Ewig leben – Portrait einer Hundertjährigen”

“Ewig leben – Portrait einer Hundertjährigen”

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“Ein fauler Bauer”

“Ein fauler Bauer”

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Technology Award

First flat color TV display developed in Germany

First flat color TV display developed in Germany

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Color coding for digital HDTV processor

Color coding for digital HDTV processor

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Cultural Award

“Der Fall K.”

“Der Fall K.”

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“Ich bin wie Othello”

“Ich bin wie Othello”

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TV coverage an commentary on events in Poland

TV coverage an commentary on events in Poland

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“Der vergessene Krieg”

“Der vergessene Krieg”

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Technology Award

DIGIVISION, digital TV signal processing

Development of digital television

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MAVICA – electronic still picture camera

MAVICA – electronic still picture camera

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Direct metal mastering (DMM) for LPs

Direct metal mastering (DMM) for LPs

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Cultural Award

“Blutiger Sommer -Wiedersehen mit Beirut”

“Blutiger Sommer -Wiedersehen mit Beirut”

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“Das Erlanger Wunschkind”

“Das Erlanger Wunschkind”

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Eduard-Rhein Award

Stereo sound TV in Germany

Stereo sound TV in Germany

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VCR stereo sound recording

VCR stereo sound recording

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First flat TV display ready for production

First flat TV display ready for production

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Eduard-Rhein Award



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MAG camera

MAG camera

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Compact Disc (CD)

Compact Disc (CD)

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Dynamic Processing System

Dynamic Processing System

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Eduard-Rhein Award

Development of video disc system

Development of video disc system

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Eduard-Rhein Award

Compact magnetic video recording

Compact magnetic video recording

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Basic development of VHS system

Basic development of VHS system

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Contributions to magnetic video recording

Contributions to magnetic video recording

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