Prof. Dr.h.c.mult. Lennart Count Bernadotte af Wisborg

Curriculum Vitae von Prof. Dr.h.c.mult. Lennart Graf Bernadotte

8.5.1909 geboren in Stockholm als Sohn des Prinzen Wilhelm von Schweden und der Großfürstin von Rußland Maria Pawlowna.
1927 Abitur und Studium der Land- und Forstwirtschaft.
1939 Chefredakteur der schwedischen Zeitschrift „Foto”.
1948 Gründung „Internationales Institut Schloß Mainau” unter Obhut des Weltkomitees der YMCA.
1951 1. Tagung der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau/Bodensee; Präsident des Kuratoriums dieser Tagung bis 1987.
1955 Präsident der Deutschen Gartenbau-Gesellschaft 1822 e.V.
1962 Konstituierung des Deutschen Rates für Landespflege; Sprecher: Graf Lennart.
1971 Ehrenmitglied der Royal Horticultural Society in London.
1974 Gräfin Sonja und Graf Lennart Bernadotte bringen die Insel Mainau und alle zugehörigen Ländereien in die „Lennart-Bernadotte-Stiftung” ein.
1987 Ehrenpräsident des Kuratoriums der Tagungen der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau.
1988 Gründungsmitglied der Aktion zur Rettung des Kulturerbes e.V.
1958 Großes Verdienstkreuz mit Stern und Schulterband des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
1960 Goldener Bürgerring der Stadt Lindau/Bodensee.
1964 Ehrensenator der TH Hannover..
1968 Bayrischer Verdienstorden; Freiherr-vom-Stein-Medaille in Gold.
1970 Großkreuz der Weisen Rose von Finnland; Albert-Schweitzer-Medaille in Gold.
1979 Verdienstmedaille des Landes Baden-Württemberg; Ehrenring der Stadt Konstanz; Ehrendoktor der Agrarwissenschaften der Universität Hohenheim Ehrenbürger der Stadt Lindau/Bodensee; Deutsche Umwelt-Medaille.
1989 Ehrenprofessor des Landes Baden-Württemberg; Ehrendoktor der Landwirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Uppsala/Schweden.
1992 Staatsmedaille in Gold des Freistaates Bayern; Dr. Wilhelm-Siekmann-Medaille in Silber des Deutschen Familienverbandes Baden-Württemberg.

The “Lindau Idea”; Conventions of the Noble Prize Winners since 1951

After the Second World War German scholars, especially those for the younger generation, had to start completely a new, etablishing international contacts and winning the confidence necessary for cooperation between countries. At the time it was a bold idea to invite scholars who had been honored with the worldis most prestigious award, the Noble Prize, to a convention in Germany. In 1951 seven titleholders accept the invitation to the first convention of Nobel Prize winners for medicine in Lindau. Count Lennart Bernadotte had become its patron and had personally exerted himself to achieve the realization of the meeting. Today roughly twenty-fice titleholders attend every year, and the total number of those present has increased from original 400 to approximately 800.

The first conventions inLindau were characterized by he exchange of thoughts among scholars and personal encounters betwenn titleholders and their colleagues. The meetings developed their unique atmosphere and inmitable fascination after 1954, when the group of participants was enlarged to include university students and the scholarly and personal discussions between titelholders and students began. Count Lennart has always been personally engaged in projects whose aim is to bring together the youth of the world. He was the president of the Board if Curators until 1986 and has been its honorary president since 1987. It is due to him that the European idea became a firmly etablished characteristic of the convention Linda and that the support of the Europena Community in Strasbourg could be won in addition to that of the German federal government, the state of Bavaria, the city of Lindau, and numerous foundations, associations, corporations and private individuals. Every year, their donations finance grants to some 500 students from Germany and other European countries, helping to cover the costs of living and travel.