Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ir. Kees A. Schouhamer Immink

Curriculum Vitae of Kees A. Schouhamer Immink

1946 Born in Rotterdam.
1976 Master of Electrical Engineering (Ir), University of Eindhoven of Technology.
1984 Doctorate, University of Eindhoven of Technology.
1968-1998 Researcher, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven.
1994-2014 Adjunct professor, Institute for Experimental Mathematics, Duisburg-Essen University.
1998 President and founder, Turing Machines Inc.
2000-2005 Distinguished visiting professor, National University of Singapore.
2003-2004 President, Audio Engineering Society (AES), New York.
2005-2008 Visiting research fellow, Data Storage Institute, Singapore.
2008-2011 Visiting professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


2014 Honorary doctorate, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
2004 Progress Medal, Society of Motion Pictures Engineers (SMPTE).
2004 IEEE Consumer Electronics Engineering Excellence Award.
2003 Personal Emmy Award, National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, USA.
2003 Inducted into the Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame, Consumer Electronics Association, USA.
2000 IEEE Millennium Medal.
2000 Knighthood in the Order of Oranje-Nassau, Beatrix, Queen of The Netherlands.
1999 AES Gold Medal, Audio Engineering Society, New York.
1999 IEEE Edison Medal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
1998 Golden Jubilee Award for Technological Innovation, IEEE Information Theory Society.
1998 AES 50th Anniversary Commemorative Medal, Audio Engineering Society.
1996 IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award.
1994 SMPTE Alexander Poniatoff Gold Medal.
1993 J.J. Thomson Medal, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London.
1992 AES Silver Medal, Audio Engineering Society, New York.

Honorary memberships

2008 Elected member, Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, Haarlem.
2007 Foreign associate, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, USA.
2006 Elected member, Batavian Society of Experimental Philosophy, Rotterdam.
2000 Honorary member, Netherlands Electronics and Radio Society.
1996 Elected member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam.
1996 Fellow, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
1990 Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
1987 Fellow, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London.
1985 Fellow, Audio Engineering Society, New York.

Patents and Publications

Around 1100 international and US patents, and around 200 articles primarily on coding technologies for digital storage media, including:

2000 Codes for Mass Data Storage Systems.
2009 Chester Sall Best Paper Award in Consumer Electronics for ”DC-free Multimode Code Design Using Novel Selection Criteria for Optical Recording Systems” (with Jun Lee).
2009 Best Paper Award for ”A general construction of constrained parity-check codes for optical recording”, IEEE Communications Society (with Kui Cai).