Prof. Dr. Hisashi Kobayashi

Curriculum vitae of Prof. Dr. Hisashi Kobayashi
13.06.1938 | Born in Tokyo, Japan. |
1957-1961 | Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, University of Tokyo. |
1961-1963 | Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, University of Tokyo. |
1963-1965 | Engineer at Toshiba Co., Kawasaki, Japan. |
1965-1967 | Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering, Princeton University. |
1967-1970 | Research Staff Member, IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. |
1969-1970 | Visiting Assistant Professor of System Science, UCLA. |
1971-1973 | Manager, Systems Measurement & Modeling, IBM Research Center. |
1974-1980 | Senior Manager, Systems Analysis and Algorithms, IBM Research Center. |
1974 | Visiting Professor, University of Hawaii. |
1975 | Visiting Professor, Stanford University. |
1979-1980 | Visiting Professor, T.H. Darmstadt. |
1980 | International Professor of Computer Science, University of Brussels. |
1981-1982 | Department Manager, VLSI Design, IBM Research Center. |
1982-1986 | Director, IBM Japan Science Institute (now IBM Tokyo Laboratory). |
Since 1986 | Sherman Fairchild University Professor, Princeton University. |
1986-1991 | Dean, School of Engineering & Applied Science, Princeton University. |
1991-1992 | NEC Chair for Computer & Communication, University of Tokyo. |
1998-1999 | BC ASI Visiting Fellow, University of Victoria, Canada. |
Recognitions and Awards |
1970 | IBM Invention Achievement Award. |
1973 | IBM Invention Achievement Award. |
1974 | IBM Outstanding Contribution Award. |
1976 | Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). |
1979 | Senior US Scientist Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. |
1980 | Silver Core Award, International Federation of Information Processing. |
1984 | IBM Japan Outstanding Contribution Award. |
1992 | Elected to the Engineering Academy of Japan. |
2005 | Fellow of the Institute of Electronic, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan. |