Dr. Evangelos S. Eleftheriou

Curriculum vitae of Dr. Evangelos Eleftheriou
15.02.1959 | Born in Aliveri, Euboea, Greece. |
1979 | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Patras University, Greece. |
1981 | Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. |
1985 | Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. |
1986 | Research Staff Member, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Laboratory, Rueschlikon, Switzerland. |
1998 | Manager of the ZRL Recording and Transmission Technologies Projects. |
2004 | Manager of the ZRL Storage Technologies Projects. |
Recognitions and Awards |
1989 | IBM Outstanding Innovation Award. |
1997 | IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award. |
1999 | IBM Master Inventor. |
2000 | IBM Outstanding Innovation Award. |
2001 | Fellow of the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE). |
2003 | Co-recipient of the IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize Paper Award. |
2005 | a) IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award. |
b) IBM Fellow. | |
c) Member of the IBM Academy of Technology. | |
Dr. Eleftheriou helds 25 patents in the USA. |